A Letter from the Treasurer - Money That Matters

A big “thank-you” to each and every supporter of our parish church who has donated to the PCC, whether as a one-off or on a regular basis, in small or large amounts, during the course of 2020 and preceding years. All donations are gratefully received . . .  continued

Your money goes towards keeping the church open and operational, even during a lockdown (heating, lighting, maintenance, insurance, etc); upkeep of the churchyard; “parish share“ (a sum prescribed annually by the diocese of Chichester) which helps to pay for an incumbent (stipend, pension, housing & training) and overheads at Church House, Hove.

It is not generally known that the PCC receives no income from other sources and is reliant upon the goodwill and generosity of local supporters, whether church attendees or not. From time to time, it becomes necessary to undertake projects to repair the structure of the church or carry out long-term maintenance, the cost of which can run to many thousands of pounds, and only possible when donors respond to an appeal for funds or if the PCC is successful in obtaining a grant.

In recent years projects include the restoration of the church clock (the response to an appeal in summer 2018 was most impressive), the installation of handrails to three flights of stone steps on the path leading up from the lychgate, and the repointing and repair of weather-damaged stonework on the western elevation of the tower, when the opportunity was taken to redecorate the clock dial from scaffolding while in situ.

The PCC takes its long-term responsibility for looking after the fabric of the church very seriously. Money carefully spent now potentially saves a whole lot more down the line. In 2021 the PCC proposes to appoint a contractor to repoint stonework on other elevations of the tower, subject to funding. 

If you would like to support the church, which is the only Grade 1 listed building in the parish, or review your current means of donating, there are a number of options, all of which maintain confidentiality and anonymity.

One of the easiest methods is contactless using a bank card. A device just inside the church door can be used any time during the working day. The default amount is £5 but this can be reduced to £3 or raised in multiples of one pound to £30. Your bank account is debited immediately. The PCC’s account is credited weekly with the aggregate of individual donations, less a small charge by the operator. You can donate from home via our website -  https://www.stmarymagdalenebolney.org.uk/support-us/

For those able and willing to sign up on a regular basis, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) offers a convenient, safe and efficient route. You can register with the PGS by phone, tel 0333 002 1271, quoting Bolney’s unique code: 100610153. You set up a monthly direct debit of an amount of your choice. Two big advantages: (1) you can specify index-linking which means the amount you give is automatically adjusted for inflation each year, and therefore holds its value in real terms; (2) if you are a taxpayer PGS claims the tax you have already paid on the income and credits it to the PCC’s account monthly at the same time as the donation. This is by far the most efficient means of giving for the church from a cashflow point of view. You receive a donor’s annual statement and if you are a higher-rate taxpayer then you can claim relief via your tax return.

Whilst we are discouraging cash and cheques to avoid handling issues, giving by any means is still very acceptable.

Please contact the treasurer should you wish to discuss further.

Thank you.

Tim Hutchings

Treasurer - St Mary Magdalene Parochial Church Council (PCC)


tel 07860 643110

